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Letter of Reference
from Norman A. Logan

August 28, 1996

Dear Peter,

THANK YOU for a great workshop for our marching band section leaders. I really enjoyed meeting you and joining the workshop.

Your pacing with our students was wonderful for the two day workshop. Because of the many personal leadership points that were made in the workshop, we kept the self-awareness of what our section leader goals were the whole summer.

If was interesting to see my section leaders really get to the nuts and bolts issues of our band and create a mission statement to live by this season. (By the way, they are still going strong in upholding those values.) Your role-playing examples really help to get young people to see how powerful they can be in shaping attitudes and developing energy and spirit within the ensemble. Of course, the area of speaking with respect is a topic we think young people know about, but something we don't get to until they are in our office after the damage is done.

The cost of your program is well worth the values and respect that I see in my leadership students. I would recommend that more groups contact you to get the jump start they may need to start a section leader program or to fine tune their existing one. If there is any group that needs to know about your program, please feel free to have them call me.

With Admiration,

Norman A. Logan
Director of Instrumental Music
Farmington High School
Farmington, Michigan

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