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Letter of Reference
from David Morrison

January 15, 1997

To Whom It May Concern:

Peter Ferrito worked as a leadership clinician for the Prospect High School Band this past summer. The two day sessions had a positive impact on the band leaders, prompting them to work together to produce a mission statement for themselves and the band in general.

This entire process was educational and thought-provoking for students and instructors alike. The student leaders had to listen to each other and work together as a team to reach consensus on each individual point of the mission statement. As their instructor, I had the opportunity to observe this process which made me more sensitive to student leadership issues when teaching the band.

I believe that a major contributing factor to our outstanding competition season this year was an aware and committed leadership, starting with the drum majors, continuing through the section and squad leaders, and finishing with the general membership of the marching band. I also know that Peter Ferrito's work with our students helped them to become more competent leaders.

I highly recommend Peter Ferrito as an outstanding clinician and as a person of high integrity.


David Morrison
Director of Bands
Prospect High School
Mount Prospect, Illinois

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