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Letter of Reference
from a Student Leader

I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of Mr. Ferrito's workshops for three years while on the leadership team at Sachse High School. Each year, not only were we presented with new information, but the things we thought we knew were reshaped and strengthened. Mr. Ferrito taught us about concepts that I had never considered, showed us games that taught us about each other and ourselves, and gave us the tools to live a more meaningful life. Not only did our band place better in competitions than we had before, but we were much closer to one another! Going on a journey with people you like versus traveling with people you truly care about made the whole experience of band more impactful. Mr. Ferrito taught us how to work hard and how to work right. We learned how to be effective teachers, strong leaders, and trustworthy human beings. It was a lot of work and commitment, but our team learned so much about each other: how each person operates best, each other's strengths and weaknesses, and what our individual goals are. We were then able to apply that information and make decisions accordingly. This made for a very comfortable, friendly environment that enabled us to keep a positive attitude going within the band every day. However, I didn't realize the true impact of his teaching until after high school.

After I graduated, I sat in on a few of Mr. Ferrito's workshops to continue learning. I credit his teaching for the reason behind my decision to go into music education; I have found such success and happiness from these workshops that I want to spread the word and give the next generation the same feelings of empowerment. Additionally, I have felt more calm in my life. Mr. Ferrito emphasized being over-prepared, which has led to the ability to be more present and reactive to the situations that surround me. It is because of Mr. Ferrito's teaching that I have felt success far greater than I thought possible. I have cultivated relationships that have earned me friends and jobs, and I have learned how to be confident in myself and my abilities. Many of my friends from the leadership team at Sachse High School have gone out into the world in pursuit of their dreams, utilizing the tools that Mr. Ferrito showed to us.

I am truly grateful for my experiences with Mr. Ferrito and am looking forward to putting my skills to further use, opening this world of leadership up to new generations.

Music Education Student
   Texas State University
   San Marcos, Texas
Former Band Student Leader
   Sachse High School Band
   Sache, Texas

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